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Dontlook Up

Don't Look Up: A Realistic Disaster Movie

A Comedic Look at Climate Denial

Based on Real Events That Haven't Happened - Yet

Adam McKay's latest film, Don't Look Up, is a scathing satire of how society responds to impending disaster. The film follows two astronomers who discover a comet that is hurtling towards Earth and will destroy it in six months. They embark on a media tour to warn humankind, but are met with resistance, denial, and ridicule.

Don't Look Up is a powerful allegory for climate change. The comet represents the existential threat that climate change poses to our planet, and the film's characters represent the different ways that people respond to this threat. Some people deny the threat altogether, while others acknowledge it but are unwilling to take action. Still others are paralyzed by fear and inaction.

McKay's film is a timely reminder that we cannot afford to ignore the climate crisis. We need to act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already underway. If we don't, we may find ourselves facing a disaster that we cannot avert.
